Friday 4 January 2019

ecommerce email marketing software

As an ecommerce store owner, you already know the power of email marketing. But with so much competition in the industry, you might be overwhelmed with all the choices you have. It’s hard enough to keep track of all the email marketing platforms and strategies, let alone find time to compare all the providers. In the end, you’ll want to pick the solution that works best for your business, helps achieve your goals and includes easy integration with your favorite ecommerce platform.

Omnisend, which was previously known as Soundest, positions itself as super easy email marketing specifically tailored for ecommerce. This email marketing platform works with Shopify, Tictail and any other ecommerce platform via API. It’s the most popular app on Shopify that caters to your email marketing needs, so you’d better pay attention to this one.

It’s powerful “campaign booster“ feature will automatically segment and re-send the email to recipients who haven’t opened the first newsletter. Because sometimes inboxes get over-flooded with new emails.

This doesn’t mean that your email wasn’t relevant to the customer, just that it didn’t arrive at the right time. Campaign booster takes advantage of that by sending a repeated newsletter. Super helpful for those limited-time offers, when you really know that your subscribers are getting great value out of this deal.

Premium plans start at $10/month for up to 500 subscribers and 15,000 monthly emails.


Klaviyo is one of the leading email marketing platforms for ecommerce with deep Shopify integration that’s tied directly to your store, making email easy, automated, and effective. It includes product recommendations features that display unique sent to products relevant to every email recipient. Segmentation options that allow you to campaign to users who viewed a particular product in your store or asked a question about it in support.

Other key features include not one, but multiple abandoned cart follow-ups ensure that your potential customers turn into real ones. Want to also target customers via ads? Not a problem, Klaviyo allows you to easily integrate Shopify customers with Facebook Custom Audiences.

Prices start at $25/month for up to 500 subscribers and 3,000 emails.

If you’re looking for an email marketing platform to send out beautiful, responsive emails that are
displayed perfectly across all device types and clients – just might be the answer. Key features include personalized recommendations and custom coupon codes. You’ll be able to target customers based on pre-existing segments that are based on coupon usage or location of the potential customer. With a built-in A/B testing feature, promises up to 11x the click and up to 44% more orders than traditional email. is free for up to 99 subscribers and unlimited emails.


The age of one-size-fits-all is over. Customers want to experience a personal connection with the shops they interact with online. That’s where Kevy comes in. Kevy is an email marketing platform that helps you personalize your marketing to turn visitors into customers.

Like you, Kevy realizes that email marketing is extremely powerful. Yet online retailers need additional tools that are not included with the traditional email marketing platforms or come with a hefty price tag. Key features include dynamic lists, transactional and cart recovery emails, personalized pop-up offers, behaviour-based triggers as well as revenue tracking.

Prices start at $250/month for up to 8,000 subscribers and unlimited emails.

best bulk email software

Campaign Monitor

Campaign Monitor is an easy-to-use email marketing tool that allows entrepreneurs at growing businesses to send beautiful, relevant newsletters, creating a reliable channel to grow engagement with their subscribers and promote loyal readership. Our beautiful templates, drag and drop interface and engagement-based segmentation allow marketers to deliver targeted content to large lists of subscribers with ease. Learn more about Campaign Monitor

Zoho Campaigns

Zoho Campaigns is an email marketing software for small to midsized business to automate entire marketing process - from managing your email campaigns to maintaining your mailing lists. Thanks to the integration with Zoho CRM you will have the right info when you need it. Engage with your customers anywhere with social campaigns on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Learn more about Zoho Campaigns


ZeroBounce is a great way to protect your sender reputation for email marketing. It detects and removes known abuse and spam trap emails, temporary addresses, invalid, toxic and catch-all domains. Its not only a powerful tool of improving your deliverability, but it also offers you data about your subscribers that can be valued in marketing reports: it appends first and last name, gender and location. ZeroBounce is a fast and easy to use email validator, and it also includes an API. Learn more about ZeroBounce


Bitrix24 is one of the very few CRM systems that offers email marketing software free of charge. There are several things that make Bitrix24 quite different from other free email marketing services. First, it¿s customer relationship management software, and this enables you to create any number of static or dynamic segments and craft a unique email campaign for each group of customers or prospects. And if you are thinking about trigger-based emails and email marketing automation, yep, Bitrix24. Learn more about Bitrix24


Kingmailer provides a ready-to-go solution for your email marketing needs. $10 Per month. 10,000 Subscribers. 200,000 Emails. Learn more about Kingmailer

free email marketing

If you want great results starting up and managing an email marketing campaign, you should rely on a specific software that lets you manage it quickly and directly from your desktop.

The best email marketing software also provides a free version to start a campaign at zero cost. SendBlaster Free offers a complete solution whilst still being easy to use.

In just a few minutes you'll be able to import your database of contacts, filter them, and handle black lists and bounce backs. You'll also be able to merge different databases, or add customized fields to your data in no time.

Creating a message is amazingly simple, thanks to our ready-made template and a visual HTML editor where to insert customizable field tags.

With a few clicks you will be able to set up direct mailing and customize the details of your SMTP server. You will be able to stop the mailing in case of errors, or schedule subsequent ones.

But there's more. With SendBlaster Free, once you have sent your newsletter you can analyze all the data provided by an advanced tracking, and analyze customers' behavior (clicks, open rate etc.): collecting invaluable information to test and improve your next campaigns.

bulk email service

A bulk email service allows you to send email communications to large lists of multiple recipients by incorporating email into your applications. You can send one email to many people, or a unique email to each person on your list with a bulk email service. Depending on the provider, you can send unique emails to each recipient by providing a template for substituting information (such as a name).

Commonly, bulk email is used for newsletters or marketing email. If you have a list of customers or prospects, you can send them content relevant to their business or interest, from a single application. A bulk email service allows you to send to any list, regardless of its size. The frequency at which you send is entirely up to you, and should be based on what the recipients expect. Your engagement data, including spam reports, unsubscribes, and open and click rates, will tell you whether your message is hitting the mark.

SendGrid is a bulk email service for both marketing email and transactional email (single emails triggered by actions within your application). SendGrid's bulk transactional email pricing and bulk email marketing pricing are based on the volume of email you send, not the size of your list. SendGrid provides valuable insights across your entire email program:

Deliverability rate to ensure your email is getting to the recipient's server
Open and click tracking to measure engagement
Webhook to notify your application of bounces, unsubscribes, and spam reports
The bulk email service can be enabled with minimal changes to your application. At the basic level, simply point your SMTP settings to our server and SendGrid will take care of the rest. You can also use our Web API or SMTP API to more deeply integrate into your system.

The marketing email service allows non-technical users to send bulk newsletters and other bulk emails using a drag-and-drop interface. List management and all aspects of the service are also available via the marketing service API, so developers can connect email to your company's workflow.

email marketing

Email marketing is the highly effective digital marketing strategy of sending emails to prospects and customers. Effective marketing emails convert prospects into customers, and turn one-time buyers into loyal, raving fans.

In this guide, we will walk you through the entire process of setting up your email marketing funnel so that you can acquire leads and generate sales, 24/7.

This guide is for those who’re ready to commit to email marketing. If you’re unsure, you may want to read our guide on why you need to build an email list RIGHT NOW!

Since this is a long and detailed guide, we have broken it down into different sections that you can navigate to by using the navigation below:

0. Why Email Marketing?
1: Getting Started
2: Growing Your Email List
3: Email List Segmentation
4: Email Open Rates
5: Email Automation
Frequently Asked Questions
Our goal is that once you’re done with this definitive guide, you will know:

How to build an email list of targeted customers.
How to optimize your emails for the highest open rates and click-through rates (CTR).
How to automate the process of nurturing your leads and turning prospects into customers.
Sound like a good deal?

Let’s dive into the most comprehensive guide to email marketing on the entire internet.

Introduction: The Importance of Email Marketing
Despite the rise of social media and unsolicited spam (which is never a good marketing strategy, by the way), email remains the most effective way to nurture leads and turn them into customers.

Although there are many reasons you should make email marketing one of your top priorities, here are the 3 main ones…

1. Email is the #1 communication channel. Did you know that at least 91% of consumers check their email on a daily basis? That can’t be said of any other communication channel.

2. You own your list. On any social media platform, your account (with all your fans) could be suspended or deleted at any time, for any reason, without notice. However, you own your email list. No one can take those leads away from you.

3. Email converts better. People who buy products marketed through email spend 138% more than those who do not receive email offers. In fact, email marketing has an ROI of 3800%. That’s huge! And if you are wondering if social media converts even better, think again: the average order value of an email is at least three times higher than that of social media.

send unlimited bulk email free

You can now send unlimited bulk emails using free bulk email sender software from paul jumbo blog, it’s easy you only need to download the software and install it on your Windows computer.

If you are starting a new online business and want to reach out to the maximum number of customers at a fast pace and with the least expenses – bulk mailing is the answer.

Sending email in this way is a great way to test your advert or sales pitch (known as ‘ad copy’). Not only will you get better responses, you will also be able to send out three or four different versions of your ad copy and decide which has the greatest pull (i.e. email to sales conversion). You can then refine the best ad and use it in subsequent promotions.

Say you launch a new product which you think will be of interest to all your potential customers, you can simply send them an email detailing the new product, how it will benefit them and where they can get it.

how to use sendblaster

Step 1

Open the SendBlaster application and click on the Send button from the left side menu when you are ready to send or schedule the message to your subscribers.

Step 2

Select the Use SMTP server option from the Send Mode section.

Enter into SMTP Server.

Enter port 465 or 8465 and check the SSL option. If you cannot use SSL, uncheck the option and use port 2525, 25, 8025, or 587.

Check the Authentication required option.

Enter your SMTP2GO username into Username and your SMTP2GO password into Password.

You may click the Connection test button to check the connection to your SMTP2GO server.

Click the Send or Send later button according to your requirement.

Sendblaster Pro Download

SendBlaster is the best bulk email software to manage mailing lists and set up email marketing campaigns in few steps. SendBlaster combines into one product the practicality of a mass email software with the flexibility of a bulk email web service. On the one hand you create newsletters and manage lists directly on your desktop: on the other you get a cloud email tracking service to handle reporting and improve your email campaigns.

Our brand new release SendBlaster, full of amazing features, is available both as a free email sender software download and a professional one with no subscription needed, just a single payment for a lifetime license. Plus, we are proud to offer a 15 days money back guarantee.

how to send unlimited emails

To send unlimited emails every day I would recommend you with swipemail an AI driven mail transferring agent which allows you to send a huge number mail within a go .

SwipeMail: A cloud based platform for bulk email delivery. SwipeMail have built their own i-MTA (An AI driven Mail Transferring Agent) which keeps itself updated with the recent ISP's anti-spam policies, user's online behavior across internet and enables smart delivery for your emails.

Here are a few of its Features & Benefits:

  • Provides 24x7 Rapid ActionSupport that is their Live customer support service, available all the while.
  • Reputed and a dedicated IP lead to Assured 96% of emails delivery.
  • Pricing is 75% less than other ESP's like MailChimp, ConstantContact, Aweber etc.
  • Unlimited email Sending
  • Upload Unlimited subscriber
  • Real time reporting (Open, Click, Unsubscribe etc)
  • Scheduling the Email Campaign.
  • Change of Sender Mail id

Disclaimer : I’m an intern at swipemail thus my answers might be biased.

Thursday 3 January 2019


If you are looking for a menu item when entertaining then try these indulgent prawns with ginger, garlic, chillies and dill.


  •  1 tomato, chopped
  •  200g prawns
  •  3ml ginger, crushed
  •  2 cloves garlic, crushed
  •  3ml chilli, crushed
  •  15ml oil
  •  sprigs of fresh dill to garnish
  •  1 zest of 1 lemon
  •  1 x KNORR Beef Stroganoff Dry Cook-in-Sauce
  •  500ml milk
  •  250g pasta, cooked


  • In a frying pan, heat oil and add Crushed Chilli, garlic and ginger and fry for a couple of seconds.
  • Add prawns and stir fry for a minute.
  • Add tomato and lemon zest and stir through.
  • Mix sachet contents with 500 ml milk and add to the prawns.
  • Simmer until the sauce has thickened.
  • Toss together with cooked pasta and garnish with fresh dill.


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