Sunday, 29 October 2017

Apple's engineer loses job after daughter's iPhone x video goes viral

The quest for higher  youtube audience led to the firing of an apple engineer today.

How did this happen? One of the engineers assigned to the iPhone x task at apple was sacked from his job as an engineer after his daughter made a hands on video about the iPhone x when the iPhone x is yet to be released for customers use.

Yes iPhone has unveiled the iPhone x but it doesn't mean employees have the liberty to share quality info people didn't get to know during the unviel event.

This Apple engineer and his daughter had to learn about it in the hard way.
The youtuber named brooke took the video down immediately apple requested, but the damage had already been done as the video had already gone viral, some people might have even downloaded it.

Brooke said she and her father understood the decision and weren't angry at Apple. And it's important to stress that this wasn't a garden variety iPhone X. As an employee device, it had sensitive information like codenames for unreleased products and staff-specific QR codes. Combine that with Apple's general prohibition of recording video on campus (even at relatively open spaces like Caffè Macs) and this wasn't so much about maintaining the surprise as making sure that corporate secrets didn't get out. Apple certainly didn't want to send the message that recording pre-release devices was acceptable.

The possibility of  Apple calling the engineer back for employment is very faint.
Let's just hope Brooke would be able to take care of her family with the money she earned from the hands on video before it was taken down, which I doubt.

This is the video

James Skinner

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