Wednesday 19 October 2016

Nike Mag (self lacing shoe)

The year 2016   has brought us loads of new tech considered impossible by   some people years back.

A self lacing shoe was featured in a film acted 30 years ago.
 In the film the self lacing shoe was said to be an imagination of how shoes will look like in 2015. Though this tech was delayed by a year , its finally here the Nike Mag moon boots with self lacing  technology.

How those it work?
Nike mag
Image Credit-MKBHD

There is a sensor on the sole of the shoe that automatically detects your weight. There is also a motor on  the back of the shoe connected to the laces, and when pressure is detected  Nike mag begins to lace up. Its just that simple fix your leg in the shoe and lacing begins.

Image credit-MKBHD
Nike mag may not get the lacing right sometimes.  There are some buttons on the side of  the shoe that controls tightening and losing. The green button tightens the shoe, the red button looses the shoe, while the yellow button turns light in the  shoe on and off.
With all this sensors we expect the shoe to be very heavy, but we have been assured that the shoe is as light as any other shoe.

 Whats your take on this? Would you want to use a shoe like this?  Drop your comments below.

James Skinner

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